Home Exercises Exercise library – hanging leg raise video

Exercise library – hanging leg raise video

Hanging leg raises are a great exercise for working your core and building abdominal strength. This simple yet effective move is a staple of any abdominal routine and can be done anywhere with a pull-up bar.

To begin, grab the bar with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width, and allow your legs to hang freely below you. Make sure that your shoulder blades are pressed together, your core is tight, and your body is in a straight line.

From here, slowly raise your legs up towards your chest, engaging your abdominals and glutes throughout the move. Keep your legs together and your toes pointed towards the ceiling. Once your legs are at a 90-degree angle, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly lower them back down to starting position.

If you want to take this move to the next level, you can add a twist or a pulse to further engage your core and increase the challenge.

Hanging leg raises are a great way to strengthen your core and build abdominal muscles. Give them a try and see how your core strength improves!



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