Seated Military Shoulder Press

Like the seated shoulder press using a machine, this exercise primarily works the deltoids, but it also brings the surrounding muscles into play. Working all the shoulder muscles simultaneously helps to prevent injuries caused by muscle imbalances.

Seated Military Shoulder Press

Seated Military Shoulder Press


Sit on the bench with your toes pointing forward, back straight and your abs tight. Grip the barbell in an overhand grip (palms facing away from your body). Keep your hands about shoulder width apart. The bar should be in line with your chin. Press the barbell upward by extending your arms. Pause briefly at the top then lower the barbell in a slow, controlled manner into its original position.


You should not do this exercise if you are experiencing any shoulder pain. Be careful not to hyperextend your back. If you can’t do this exercise without leaning back, then use a lighter weight. This exercise can also be done with dumbbells.

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